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Auto Crutch and Brake
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Auto Clutch


It is the Sensonic system that combines both the conveniences of an automatic transmission and the economic-viability of manually geared system.


  1. No-Clutch Function-- like an automatic vehicle, start and stop can be conducted only by the accelerator and brake system without using the left foot as much as manual geared vehicles. Therefore the physical effort is reduced while driving.
  2. Interchanged of manual and automatic (multi-function system)-- Whenever the clutch-pedal is pressed down, it changes to manual state; hence, the manual system and automatic system are interchangeable.
  3. Fuel consumption rate is 20%~30% lower than the automatic
  4. Can be installed in any cars

Auto Brake

Description and characteristics

It is not merely an invention but is a cartronix product just like the sensonic system installed in world-famous vehicles like SAAB 900 series, BMW, Chrysler and many more.

  • Auto braking Function?The right foot does not need to keep press down the brake-pedal when the vehicle is stopped
  • After coming to a stop by pressing down on the brake pedal-- The break is activated even if the driver takes his foot away from the brake-pedal and takes a rest. To start up, only the gas-pedal needs to be pressed down to undo the brake and this will decrease

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