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Voice Recorder
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Mini-Voice Recorder

Voice Recorder


It is a small accessory recorder that does not use tape or CD. It directly records the voice with the memory inside.

Items: Two shapes, Tifon (rounded), Repy (ellipse), and 4 colors each


Talk Back (Simple Memo Function) Accessory


-Record the voice of your beloved.

-Note without a pen or paper while in your office, home or walking.

-Ease memos of all items while people talk

-For students who are memorizing their study


  • Infants, children, disabilities or olds can records their address, phone number and other important matters, so they can be monitored.



Service field?insurance company, bank and all other groups that need to increase sales by marketing strategy.

Accessory for new generation- cute, and record your and beloved’s voice.

--Best presents to your friends.

--Accessory for cellular phone

(Fancy markets, toy stores, cellular phone stores)

Prevent from lost child

(Infant shop, convenient store, park, and department store)

Business man and woman’s paperless memo function.

(Tele-communication stores, PC stores, and book stores)


Simple Operation: 2 buttons (Record and Play)

Small Size: Diamater-50? , thickness-1.2Cm.

Elegant Design: Rounded and ellipse shapes

Variety Colors: Silver, Blue, Pink and Yellow

Rec. Time: 20 Sec.

Battery Lifetime: About 6 Months

Option: Key Holder or Necklace


As a necklace or key holder

Press the record button and start record (previous record will be erased)

Press the play button once

button button button button       

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