Full Automatic Air and Water cooling system
Full Automatic Air and Water cooling system
It is a unit cooling system. The cooler is designed for superior durability and high efficiency.
Partial cooling becomes difficult due to complicatedly designed water feeding holes in a mold. It is not possible to operate a molder because of inoperativeness of a cooling tower or interruption of underground water.
It is not possible to maintain proper temperature due to temperature rise of operation oil of a mold or a molder during continuous operation in the season of summer.
Precision components which require maintaining correct dimensions.
It is required to maintain proper temperature of a mold and oil when manufacturing engineering plastic products.
It is required to manufacture more throughput in a certain period of time ( by 30%-100%)
Water-cooled type
The water-cooler is essential cooling device that removes possibility of contraction of injection molded products and molded products and molds defect