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Auto Tele-metering System Using Digital Electricity Meter
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Auto Tele-metering System Using Digital Electricity Meter

Tele-metering system checks the electricity wattage of each site of a building by using built-in communication lines of the Tele-metering electricity meters and the main computer in the maintenance office without the meterman to walk each site. The integrated billing system calculates and issues the bills automatically.
System functions and effects
To easy the metering data reading, hourly, daily, monthly usage and the upper and the lower data limit, previous month, previous year, averages of all the data checking are possible.

To simplify the billing, the automatic wattage reading is used for the bill calculation, detailed bill checking GIRO billing, tax calculation and so on.

User friendly operating environment WINDOW system is used. So users can easily work by pressing the buttons of wanted functions.

2000 households sites within one minute is possible

Each household-wattage can be monitored in a graphic monitor 24 hours

Comparing with the induction meter, the accuracy of the meter is twice of the conventional one.

  • Tele-metering system for an apartment or studio is composed of a digital electricity meter, household electricity distributor, and the Tele-metering device in a single case and can be easily installed in a panel to show a clean and elaborate wall.

  • The electricity, water, hot water, gas, cooling and heating usage can be directly confirmed by pressing the selection switch in the LCD.

  • The size minimization and the high quality design of product give the credibility to the tenant.

  • We need two communication lines between the household and the household and the household and the Tele-metering station. For a single channel of interface unit, up to 4096 households can be metered. It promises the installation easy.

  • Tele-metering systems using telephone line modem, wireless telephone modem, RF communications are possible (Optional).

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