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Denplus--chemicals to treat for oral cavity
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Denplus--chemicals to treat for oral cavity

Denplus-- chemicals to treat for oral cavity


Cetylpyridinium Choloride, CPC is effective to prevent increasing of germs and treat tooth inflammation. It is made by Cetylpyridinium Choloride (C21H38CIN ? H2O) that removes the plague on teeth.

Denplus shows very strong antibiotics and sterilization. The combining use with fluoride toothpaste will definitely show you the significant difference!


It removes plague and germs that are the reason of tooth decay.

It removes the bad smells from your mouth

It keeps oral clean for long and prevent other troubles of gums


Dentarex-- CPC Toothpaste


It is high quality toothpaste that acquired the Patent in Korea. It removes not only plague but also tooth inflammation and Gum inflammation. Especially, it will give you fresh breath that surely will increase your self-confidence.

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