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Micro-hole Glasses--Glasses for recovering the sight of eyes
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Micro-hole Glasses--Glasses for recovering the sight of eyes

Micro-hole Glasses-- Glasses for recovering the sight of eyes


By practices eyeball muscles, it recovers the ability of eyes easily and safely. Wearing an hour for a day while reading books or watching TV will be enough!

What is pinhole a lens?

It is invented in 1950's by ophthalmologist of the US, and by looking through many regulated tiny holes, it actually exercises the eye muscles continuously.


Any kind of sight handicaps-- far-sighted, near-sighted or astigmatism


  1. It moves the eyeball muscles continuously
  2. It will help your eyes to focus objects-- by practicing muscles for times, it will recover the ciliary body muscles and eye balls.
  3. Increase the time of good sight without glasses, gradually.

The Product

  • The world's first lens that are made of aluminum
  • Use Special metal pressing and spin-light process
  • Use the 6-curve lens that fits most for eyeballs

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